Your First Consultation After an Auto Accident Injury: What to Expect

Your First Consultation After an Auto Accident Injury: What to Expect

Your First Consultation After an Auto Accident Injury: What to Expect

If you are dealing with an auto accident injury in St Louis Park, MN, you will be glad to know that there is help available. Even if you don't have any symptoms right away, it is crucial that you go to our medical health professionals at Spine Care PA and get yourself checked out. Auto accidents can significantly alter the alignment of your internal systems. It is even more crucial to get medical help as soon as you can if you are observing injuries.

Auto Accident Injury in St Louis Park

Injuries of the spine can be some of the most severe and potentially debilitating, especially if you don't seek help right away. If you contact Spine Care PA, you will be able to schedule a consultation that can prove to be life-saving.

Most commonly, people's injuries during car accidents involve the back, neck, or even the whole spine. This is because the auto accident involves a force that can violently throw the body, typically from front to back. This can lead to whiplash, in which the ligaments and muscles of the neck are torn. Auto accidents can also lead to other types of strains and injuries in other areas, such as the abdominal region and the limbs.

What to Expect

When you go in for a consultation, you will have to discuss your health history with the medical professional. They will also ask about your current symptoms, even those that may seem not to matter to you. You'll then be subject to an exam (and X-rays in some cases). Depending on your situation, you may get treatment right there, or you might have to schedule a follow-up visit. Many techniques may be used. These include spinal decompression or manipulations, manual adjustments, and other potentially effective treatments.

Contact Us for Your First Consultation

Rest assured that if you have an auto accident injury in St Louis Park, MN, our Spine Care PA professionals will be dedicated to doing everything they can to treat your specific condition and set of symptoms. They will be gentle and choose a combination of techniques that will be as quick and effective as possible in restoring your health and quality of life.


8:00am - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 3:00pm

11:00am - 12:30pm
Appointment Only

Spine Care Chiropractic & Physical Therapy

5810 Excelsior Boulevard
St Louis Park, MN 55416

Call: (952) 927-8686
Text: (952) 395-3677